Automating HR processes

Mar 11, 2022 by Andrew Holliman

Automating HR processes

HR processes without an AI-driven platform

Without intelligent automation for human resources, the time and energy of HR employees are wasted and limited. There are specific projects in which HR representatives need to be doing what most benefits the business, like optimizing onboarding or talent acquisition and evaluation. Tasks such as these can’t be the focus if your HR department’s attention is on employee vacation questions or manual data entry. While questions are important, they all don’t require human interaction. Does your current workflow resemble the image below? Then keep reading to find out how automation can improve the productivity of your HR processes.

Manual process

Manual process

Let AI process your documents and more…

Manual processes such as these are full of user errors, and the goal of our platform is to reduce user errors and operational costs. Designed with state-of-the-art optical character recognition (OCR), natural learning processing (NLP), and AI technologies, our end-to-end platform can read, understand, update, and classify information. Included in this automated workflow isn’t just structured data but also semi-structured and unstructured data. No more time wasted trying to get a system to read handwritten, scanned, or image-based documents. Check out an example of how our platform could assist HR employees with employee Q&As.

Example of intelligent automation in the HR department

It’s tax season, and employees are requesting forms and information, swarming the HR department with questions like, “When will the company release W-2 forms”? Likely, the HR attendant will have to search up a few key identifiers to find the specific employee on record, confirm, and reply. However, automation can compile that process. Imagine a platform developed to handle simple questions like these and answer nearly instantaneously, then realize there’s no reason to imagine; below is an example of how our intelligent automation platform can improve your current HR processes:

  • Step 1 – Upload any needed form(s)
  • Step 2 – Form(s) automatically scanned and stored
  • Step 3 – Form(s) automatically reviewed for accuracy of data
  • Step 3A – Human-in-the-loop (Provides an opportunity of review for sensitive, flagged, or compliance document(s)
  • Step 4 – Form(s) automatically entered into asset registers and other form management systems
  • Step 5 – Form(s) distributed via system(s) or flagging personnel

Automated process

Automated process

In 5 simple steps, your HR department’s repetitive tasks, user error rate, and operational costs have been reduced, as there are no additional purchases of templates or bots. Providing your department opportunities to focus on and perform higher-level tasks at a higher quality of accuracy and speed. Intelligent automation isn’t the future of business workflows but the standard. If you would like to know more about how automation could save your company millions, please check out the suggested reading below, Intelligent automation for lease contracts, and learn how our intelligent automation platform saves a company $3M annually.

Let AI process lease contracts.

Anonymous: $3M annual savings in lease contract automation